Sunday, May 4, 2008

Time to play catch up...

Poor, neglected blog:( 
 I can't believe I haven't posted anything for almost a month.  We have been busy though.  I've been working overtime because we are in the middle of end of year testing at school and this is the first year the students have done it all online, so I've been working hard to make sure everything runs smoothly and so far it has. (knock on wood)  The person whose place I took at school just took a job as the secretary to the superintendent and everyone keeps asking me if I'm going to apply for her job at the district.  To tell you the truth in the past I would not have hesitated to climb the "District Ladder" but I decided that I really just want to enjoy this summer with Shad because who knows what next year will bring and I may never get this chance again.  What else have we been doing you ask....   
We Painted the spare bedroom/craft room and put new carpet in.  You can't really tell in this picture but the color is a celery green and it looks so nice with the bedding that my friend Cathy gave me.  I had a girls sleepover with Lisa and Linda with them scrapbooking while I made a quilt.  We were so busy
 that I didn't take a single picture of us.  We stayed up until almost 3am.   I'll post a picture of the quilt as soon as I get it finished.  

We helped build Uncle Lynn a new deck, well Brett helped, I watched and told them what to do.  I just finished cleaning Uncle Lynn's carpets today and kept thinking as I was cleaning his how much I needed to clean my own.  Isn't it funny how if you do something for someone else you realize how much the same stuff needs done at your own home.  My list for summer time just keeps getting longer of the things I need to do around the house.  Clean the garage out, clean the shop out, clean the shed out, clean the book cabinet out, clean the office out, paint my outside bench red to match my front door, paint two cabinets white, stain the rocking chair in the spare room, change the name on the dog house from Brig to Chewy, clean the carpet, plant some flowers, and go swimming everyday with Shad.  OH-Boy, I can't wait for summer!  We won't be going anywhere on vacation this summer just stickin' around home so I plan to do some good reading, I just finished the most romantic book called The Touch of Sage by Marcia Lynn McClure, oh it was amazing, I had flutters in my tummy all the way through it.  (Thanks Kim for sharing it with me).  I have Breaking Dawn to look forward to in August but will be picking up The Host, Stephenie Meyers other book on Tuesday.  I'll post a review when I finish it.  I also plan on reading another book from Marcia McClure to see if it might be as good as Sage.  I'm a sucker for a good romance! 

We took Shad to see Iron Man and you know him, he is now obsessed with yet another comic character.  I swear if there was such a thing that boy would grow up to be a super hero.