Monday, May 12, 2008


Ok, I finished "the host" today and I have to say it was good but not the romantic book that I really enjoy and was hoping for.  I personally thought it was a little long.  It's not one that I could stand to read over again the way I could the Twilight series which I have now read all the books twice plus listened to them on CD several times.  Yeah, I basically have those books memorized.  I think Brett is really going to like this book.  I liked the twists in it and I know he will like it because of the aliens.  I would recommend it to people because I think it is well written.  Stephenie Meyer is a great writer and has a way of helping you connect with the charactors.  I'd really like to know what you thought of the book because I know that a lot of you who read my blog will also real this book.  So leave a comment about your thoughts on it.  I'll just keep waiting for Breaking Dawn.  I think we have about 81 days left.  That's less then 3 months people!  


Kimmy said...

People at work are telling me the same thing....not really romantic but they liked it....they say that it is a little more science-fictiony, i bet Brett would like it better. Well, a few more months and Edward returns!!