Sunday, May 18, 2008


We had so much fun having Kiley and Cayson over to play so I thought I would share some highlights of the evening.  First thing we did was play outside where we promptly showed Kiley and Cayson the snails we have living in the front yard.  Knowing how they like bugs we figured they would enjoy this and they had never encountered a snail at their house so it was quite exciting.  We found a "daddy" snail, a "mommy" snail and a little tiny "baby" snail.  I found some Easter buckets that we could put the snails in and from that point on the kids carried them with them throughout the evening.  We went to the duck pond, took the snails.  We walked to Shad's school for his choir concert, took the snails.  We ate dinner, with the snails.  

We had so much fun but if you want to know all the fun Megan has had with the snails check out her blog.  Sorry Megan!  If anyone else wants some snails we have more!  Notice the green and pink bucket with Kiley and Cayson...yep, it's their snails!

You can see what Cayson thought of the concert.  Or was it that Uncle Brett is just really comfy  to sit on?  All of the kids singing kept laughing because we were on the front row.  It was so much fun playing with them.  They're about the cutest kids on the planet!


Megan said...

These are such cute pics!! I can't beleive Cayson fell asleep. We should've seen Shad's concert too!