Soccer Season is here!!!!

Shad's "the man" holding his own against the other team

Looking good in his soccer gear!

And who you might ask was on the other team? None other then Donny Osmond's son and he was there to cheer us on! We'll I guess he was cheering for the other guys...but so what! Donny Osmond was there people! I need to get a new camara with better zooming. I didn't want to be obnoxious so this is what I got. I know I should have just went for it....believe me I regret it now.
Are you kidding me? That is crazy! I wish Kiley had famous people showing up at her soccer games. By the way I like Shad's soccer uniform, I wish Kiley's was that stylish. : ) GO SHAD!!
LAME! you should of gotten closer!
OMG can you say restraining order!!
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