It's true! I am the mother of the President! 5th Grade Class President that is. So from this point on (Well, at least the next month) Shad will be known as Pres. or Mr. President around the house. We are so proud of him. He did a great job campaigning and was excited to be voted in by his class mates. He will have many responsibilities around the classroom such as leading the Pledge, supervise the class when the teacher steps out, assist in passing off homework signatures, many, many things. Shad's teacher is awesome! He has him so psyched about school!
Shad was so sweet and took some flowers to the girl he was running against so she wouldn't feel so sad. What a great kid, don't you think! He will be President for the month of September and then another student will get a turn but because he is the first of the year he gets to serve for 1 month and everyone else only gets a week. What an awesome, wonderful, smart, funny, good looking and talented kid I've got!
Cool, now I can tell everyone that I am the president's aunt! : ) Way to go Shad...I am sure you are an awesome president. Of course he won...DUH!
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