To say I'm obsessed with Zumba would be an understatement! I have become so "in love" with Zumba that if it were a man, I'd marry it! (that's what we used to say as teenagers) Here's the back story of how I came to find Zumba...
About a month ago I decided to submit an application to ICH's 100 Days to a Healthy Heart competition. After I submitted my application I started to get really excited because I knew I needed to do something to get healthy and they were offering sessions with a fitness trainer, nutrition classes and access to IHC's wellness center. But it got me thinking and I wondered what I would do if I wasn't chosen. Knowing my own health was looking bad and the heart health history of my mom, aunts and grandparents, I decided that I did not want to wait around to see if they choose me for this competition. When I saw the doctor in October my Cholesterol was 220 and my Triglycerides were 186. Which is actually good because the year before my Chol/286 and Trig/388..I KNOW!!!! Heart attack waiting to happen! I knew that if I didn't do something now I would be looking at heart problems and diabetes within a few years. So Brett and I started walking at the Orem Rec Center. We walked for about a week before he injured his knee and had to take a break for knee surgery. At that point Shandi had asked me if they offered a Zumba class there. I have to say that at first I was very intimidated about the idea of doing a dance/aerobic class. Needless to say, I was hooked the first day! Shandi and I go at least 4 days a week and I walk a few miles before or after each class. I've also go for 4 mile walks on the days I don't do Zumba. I have dropped 12 pounds in 4 weeks and feel fantastic. I feel STRONG, healthy and have tons of energy. I am now obsessed with exercising and will be doing a 5k in March, (probably walking most of it, but hey, at least I can say I did it) and walking a half marathon at Thanksgiving Point in April. I'm up for the challenge, plus I get really cool t-shirts for participating!

This is not a picture from my Zumba class but we have this much fun!
Wow, that's so great! You and Brett are both looking so great!! I am hoping when my kiddos are a bit older that I'll have some time to do a class like that.
Love it! Keep up the good work, and hey...why not get a picture of you two sexy ladies doing it??? LOL
My kids LOVED playing at your house!! Thanks so much, it was really nice to get to go and see my dad.
Janett,it is sadie! zumba is to fun I cant stand it! next time lets get a picture :)
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