To say I'm obsessed with Zumba would be an understatement! I have become so "in love" with Zumba that if it were a man, I'd marry it! (that's what we used to say as teenagers) Here's the back story of how I came to find Zumba...
About a month ago I decided to submit an application to ICH's 100 Days to a Healthy Heart competition. After I submitted my application I started to get really excited because I knew I needed to do something to get healthy and they were offering sessions with a fitness trainer, nutrition classes and access to IHC's wellness center. But it got me thinking and I wondered what I would do if I wasn't chosen. Knowing my own health was looking bad and the heart health history of my mom, aunts and grandparents, I decided that I did not want to wait around to see if they choose me for this competition. When I saw the doctor in October my Cholesterol was 220 and my Triglycerides were 186. Which is actually good because the year before my Chol/286 and Trig/388..I KNOW!!!! Heart attack waiting to happen! I knew that if I didn't do something now I would be looking at heart problems and diabetes within a few years. So Brett and I started walking at the Orem Rec Center. We walked for about a week before he injured his knee and had to take a break for knee surgery. At that point Shandi had asked me if they offered a Zumba class there. I have to say that at first I was very intimidated about the idea of doing a dance/aerobic class. Needless to say, I was hooked the first day! Shandi and I go at least 4 days a week and I walk a few miles before or after each class. I've also go for 4 mile walks on the days I don't do Zumba. I have dropped 12 pounds in 4 weeks and feel fantastic. I feel STRONG, healthy and have tons of energy. I am now obsessed with exercising and will be doing a 5k in March, (probably walking most of it, but hey, at least I can say I did it) and walking a half marathon at Thanksgiving Point in April. I'm up for the challenge, plus I get really cool t-shirts for participating!

This is not a picture from my Zumba class but we have this much fun!