We are so excited to be going to Thriller at the Covey Art Center here in town next weekend. We love this show. We saw it a few years ago in Ogden and were so excited to learn they would be performing it right up the street from us. We have 3rd row tickets that are right on the isle and it's so fun when the zombies come up the isle and scare the kids. Shad will love it!

For our birthdays Brett and I decided to make a once in a life time trip to see Phantom of the Opera in Las Vegas in November. I am so excited. I love the movie and the music but I have never been to a broadway play and I can't wait. We are lucky enough to be going with the Wardell's and some of their friends. Did you know that tickets for Wicked in SLC go on sale Oct 31st? I want to go but I know tickets will be very expensive and probably hard to get. I'm going to try though.
WOW you have some fun stuff planned. I LOVE Phantom!!! The last time we saw it was with Rich, right before he got really sick. I am so jealous...but you guys deserve it! What is wicked? Fill me in??
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