Shandi came over to have me dye her hair on Friday night, I think it turned out great. She is so beautiful
and we had a lot of fun laughing and being silly.
Dang, this picture makes me look old, wait....I am OLD!
She came back over, we sent the boys to Grandma Jerry's and had a girls night. We watched Across the Universe. She loved it, I liked it but it's not my favorite movie. We had fun just hanging out, I made my favorite Wingers sticky finger salad, it was yummy!
Also had GNO (girls night out) with Linda and Lisa, always a good time. We went to see 27 Dresses, LOVED IT! Highly recommend it to all.
Our Super Bowl party, lots of food and fun at the Roberts! Shandi came down and spent her time making this cute blanket. Isn't it the cutest colors, she is so creative.
Yes Shandi is a doll. I wish I had a touch of her talent, and her cute hair!!! GNO are the best! And i too loved 27 dresses. I could relate! Great Valentines chick flick!
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