Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Family Night Roberts Style!
Posted by Janett at 6:57 PM 3 comments
Shout out to the parentals!
Posted by Janett at 6:47 PM 1 comments
never too late!
Well, I never posted pictures of our valentines dinner and feel bad that the only pictures that I have are of the table because by the time I was done cooking everything all I wanted to do was eat so I forgot all about taking pictures. But I have to show how wonderful the seafood looked. Thanks Uncle Lynn and Mom and Dad Roberts for coming down and joining us for dinner.
Posted by Janett at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Yes...there is hope for sunshine!
Posted by Janett at 4:27 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
5 foot icicle!
I am so tired of the cold and snow and if you have been to our North facing house recently you know that we have a huge skating rink on the driveway. All the snow on our roof is now melting, dripping and forming huge icicles all along the front of our house. I keep knocking them down so that we don't have a law suit on our hands if they fall and hit someone. This one however was so big and so close to reaching the ground (and also in a place where it couldn't fall on someone) that we kept it up to see if it would actually reach the snow bank. Unfortunately and to Shad's disappointment it fell down later that day.
Posted by Janett at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Not a carpet, A Lap Dog...
Chewy is really fitting in and making himself comfortable as you can see. He is such as good dog and is getting along with the cats now. He is really smart too, has picked up on everything we have trained him on. He knows "leave it" (we use that when he has the urge to chase the cats), "sit, stay" (we are trying to train him to sit and wait when someone comes to the door so that he doesn't scare our guests away) we're working on "shake and bang". Of course he is a puppy and therefor has selective hearing at times but all in all he is doing great! We love him!
Here are the two precious cats who think they have been served an injustice by a having a new dog in the house. Chewy is now leaving them alone but they still give him a lot of attitude! Right after I took this picture Salem starting licking Mini-Moe in places that only cats would consider appropriate. Gross is all that can be said about that.
Posted by Janett at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Playing Catch-up.....
Shandi came over to have me dye her hair on Friday night, I think it turned out great. She is so beautiful
Posted by Janett at 7:11 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Shout out to Sammikins!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Samantha is having her 18th birthday today! I can't believe how fast time has flown by! So this post is for you Sammi-Girl. HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, WE LOVE YOU! See you in a few weeks....I can't wait to get to sunny St. George....please, please, please let it be warm that weekend!
Posted by Janett at 12:20 PM 0 comments