I can't believe how time has flown by and now my baby is 11 years old. What a great kid he is! I'm so lucky to be his mom and feel so blessed everyday. Shad has the greatest laugh in the whole world, he can always make me smile with his jokes or funny stories. He is smart and gets good grades in school. He loves the gospel and tries to be a good example to everyone around him. He is thoughtful to others feelings and caring to those in need. He's always willing to give something he has to someone less fortunate. I can not even express in words how much I love this boy of mine. He is truly my little piece of heaven on earth. I always used to sing the Carpenters "Close to you" song to him when he was little and as long as I live whenever I hear it I will think of my little blue eyed baby boy. I love you Shad! Happy Birthday!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy 11th Birthday Shadow-man!
Posted by Janett at 11:46 PM 7 comments
Happy Holidays...A little late!
I can't believe I haven't posted any of our fun holiday pictures. I thought I had misplaced the cord to connect my camera to the computer but it was right were I left it. Imagine that!
Here is a quick view of what we did for the holidays. Hope all our family and friends enjoyed their holidays as much as we did.
Posted by Janett at 10:30 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
4 Days and Nights...
Our Christmas village is finally up!
It only took me 4 days to finish it! I'm really happy with the end result so the many hours spent on it were well worth it. I realize I could have finished it in one day if I didn't have to fit other responsibilities into my decorating schedule such as work, grocery shopping, church. I'm so grateful to Uncle Lynn for creating the display stand for me. He is amazing when it comes to creating with wood all I had to do was tell him what I wanted and the measurement and he did the rest. Amazing!
We refer to Minni-Moe as "Kat Kong" as she is always walking around trying to find a place to lay on the fluffy white snow. Crazy Cat!
I'd love to show you a picture of our Christmas tree but it's too pathetic to acknowledge. Some day I'm going to have a big house with a big kitchen and a big living room so that I can make a christmas tree that looks like this.This is my friend Stacy's tree and I love it! I love how she made garland out of red ornaments. She is so creative. I hope she doesn't mind that I stole the picture from her blog.
Posted by Janett at 7:07 PM 3 comments